PBB Teen Edition 4 Fourth Eviction Night Result – Clodet Loreto is Evicted

PBB Teen Edition 4 Fourth Eviction Night Result – Clodet Loreto is Evicted

Boy power rules in PBB Teen Edition Season 4 as another female teen housemate gets the boot on Saturday night's 4th eviction.

Clodet Ann Loreto, dubbed the “Prangkang Chicka Teen ng Davao,” got the lowest number of votes (10.80%) as therefore leaves Kuya's house.

Karen, on the other hand, once again showed that she has a strong group of followers because she garnered the most number of votes among the 4 nominees. She topped the combined text and online poll again with a whopping 55.59%, the highest this season.

Following Karen is Kit who got 20.89% and 3rd is Mariz who got 12.72%.

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PBB Teen Edition 4 Fourth Eviction Night Result – Clodet Loreto is Evicted
PBB Teen Edition 4 Fourth Eviction Night Result – Clodet Loreto is Evicted
Reviewed by Asgerlz
Published :
Rating : 4.5

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